Sunday, September 7, 2014

Blog Post 3

1- Discuss the steps to reviewing in What is Peer Editing video and Peer Edit With Perfection Tutorial.
3- Discuss Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes video and the benefits of the presentation.
2- Discuss the right way to review of Ellis Paige's EDM310 Blog Assignment 12.

The What is Peer Editing video and Peer Edit With Perfection Tutorial was very helpful in trying to figure out how to look at peer editing.The two presentations gave three rules to help with reviewing. The first step, which is complimenting, allows students to enter to the review on a good note and lets the writer know that there were good points. Allowing the student who is being reviewed to not feel like a failure or that she or he should not be writing. The rules step reminds the reviewer to not let the fear of being rude interfere with correcting mistakes. The writer will only keep making mistakes if the review doesn't contain ways to improve. The last step, remaining positive, is essential to both the writer and the one reviewing because it keeps the way open for the writer to feel comfortable seeking future help. For instance, if the reviewer had left a harsh review, it would discourage the writer from seeking help in the future and maybe writing at all.

The Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes video was very interesting because we have all been in the position where we were trying to help someone or where we were the writer and more than likely we have been a Picky Patty, a Mean Margaret, or in my case a Whatever Matthew. However, these behaviors can greatly hinder our own progress or someone else's.  We all need to remember that peer reviewing is to help and, despite if we find it boring, we should carefully listen to what others tell us so we can improve. Addressing the issues found here is also another form of review. If we experience someone acting like this, we should discuss the behavior and remind the individual how it could hurt in the future to not pay attention to what is important.

I found the Ellis Paige's EDM310 Blog Assignment 12 most helpful. I know there have been times when I wished someone would discretely tell me when I made multiple mistakes instead of publicly doing it. However, there have been other times when a writing had been so wrong and incorrect that I knew addressing it in front of everyone would cause a lot of embarrassment for the other student. I found this video helpful because it'll let students know how to handle a situation. If a student does horribly on a post, the reviewer should be honest but keep the other videos' three steps in mind and then email the student later about how the post could further improve. Hopefully, the student will remember to not take it personally, like in the Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes video,  and work on his or her writing.

Source "Pinterest"

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