Sunday, November 30, 2014

Blog Post 5 Part 2 PLN Summary

Over the semester I have expanded a little on my PLN. For example, I have expanded my search on twitter and have developed a list of material to read on the different subjects I'm interested in. Also, I have saved websites such as a blog,, focusing on literary theory to my bookmarks tab on my computer. I have been looking up specific authors to read and blogs to follow concerning literary theory. These tools and sources have helped me learn a little more about the topic that started my PLN. However, there are other topics I have become interested in and have used youtube and pandora to help learn a different language. For youtube, I try to watch various videos that offer exposure to French. Also, I listen to popular French singers on a pandora radio application to get used to hearing the language. Overall, my PLN started off with literary theory sources and tools and now includes learning a different language and keeping up with other topics I'm a little interested in.

A group of blind folded individuals touch a different part of an elephant that makes them come up with different things it is.

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